
Acyclovir Online Prescription and Discount

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Acyclovir is a drug primarily used in the treatment of conditions caused by the herpes simplex virus. However, it is also sometimes used in the treatment of the Epstein-Barr virus. The drug works by interfering in the process of viral DNA synthesis, reducing the overall viral load present in the body. Thus, the drug does not cure the viral infection but does reduce the rate of viral reproductive success. This helps the body battle the infection and reduce overall treatment duration. In moderate doses, acyclovir is well tolerated though at higher doses it may cause side effects.

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*Powered by HerpAlert. HerpAlert is an unaffiliated independent telemedicine business. Save.Health itself does not provide prescriptions or any telemedicine or other professional medical services.
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*Powered by HerpAlert. HerpAlert is an unaffiliated independent telemedicine business. Save.Health itself does not provide prescriptions or any telemedicine or other professional medical services.

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Acyclovir Info

Description List Price Price
Tablet 800 MG
60 pcs
est. retail price
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Tablet 400 MG
60 pcs
est. retail price
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Capsule 200 MG
60 pcs
est. retail price
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Ointment 5 %
15 Tube
est. retail price
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Suspension 200 MG/5ML
30 pcs
est. retail price
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Cream 5 %
30 pcs
est. retail price
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Our coupon is valid for every package/dosage of Acyclovir.
*Savings calculated based on pharmacy typical, publicly available, stock rate pricing. We cannot guarantee, certify correct, or confirm any medical information or pricing data. All information is provided for convenience from automated sources that have not been reviewed for accuracy.
Shingles Herpes

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